
And the Winner Is...

I failed to mention the funtabulous winner of the cutesie cookie giveaway! Umber! THat's totally rude to not allow Miss Loverly Lisa Lulu of the famous Davis Dialogues to relish in her sweet victory! Her and I have been having lil' heart to hug convo's via email to get these tender cookies just right for her totally presh baby shower.

It was a tad tricky because the babe in waiting is a mystery! Whaat? People nowadays still WAIT to find out? I know, right? Lets just take a moment of silence to pick our jaws from off the floor in admiration... That woman deserves like 2 designer handbags, or a whole new wardrobe, or like a kitchen makeover, or whatever suites her lil' fancy for having that type of patience and self discipline! I'd be flailing on the floor like a beached whale and whining up the wazoo by this point! I totally covet her self mastery.

So anyway, I went more "classic" so as not to offend either gender. Snips and snails (to represent a boy toy) and Sugar and Spice (for a gorge girlie)... and the third is a shout-out to the hottie-ba-tottie Mommykins (oh baby) who is about to give birth to the unknown cherub.

Congrats and Tee-Hee's {heart giggles} to Lisa, Mommy-to-be, and the precious pudge who is almost here!!!

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