
Sweet Everythings

How would you like to show up to work to find these in your drawer? Yeah, me too!!!

And another thing... Why is the phrase coined as "sweet nothings"? Seriously dummer than dum if you ask me - all that love talk means "everything" to me... so ive officially changed the phrase. phew...cleaned my hands of that one. Anyway, I made these for loverbuns last week. He got one Mon/Wed/Fri. I know...I know...poor guy for not gettin' candy all 5 days of the work week - but c'mon surriusly - too much spoilage leads to bratiness and ooper cavities.

All you have to do is: choose 3 of his/her favorite candies, get cute cellophane baggies (any craft store carries them - i also use these to package homemade cookies stacked on top of each other), stamps, and 3X5 notecards.

Then get your creativity crankin' and come up with a cute saying that includes a hint to the candy wrapped inside. Shh, I also slipped more love notes behind the phrase. Tee hee {heart giggles}.

You're loverly will be blowing you distant kisses from his joberoo. Awww, tender.

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