
Make Me Gorgeous, Green Smoothie!

Back on my throne ready to sip some greens! I deserve to enjoy a smoothie in silence. Bc I've totally got this whole motherhood thing in the bag. it's like so second nature that i can pretty much paint my face while painting my toes, cook a 5 course meal, and feed the babe all at the same time and barely remember doing it. i should clone myself to share with everyone. so back to being amazing while working on becoming gorge - it's all because of this seriously green goodness. a'hem - thanks mommita for sharing it with me and all of my food fans. i'm hooked on this garbage. husby and i pretty much have to have one almost every day. 1) bc it totally keeps you... hmm... "regular" and 2) because it wickedly fresh and good for your genes.

If you wanna be gorgeous - go green.

1/2 c H2o
2 T flaxseed (ground or whole) - packed with Omega 3's, fiber, cancer fighters, and lignans
1/2 c frozen pineapple
2 clementines peeled
1 banana
2 c fresh spinach

Blend all this perfect potion together until smooth. If it's not "icy" enough - just add ice. I was out of bananas one am and couldn't say, "i'll just make one tmrw" so i used up some cantaloopay and it was like tahiti in a glass.

Want to have your "go to" ready at any moment? Do what I did and buy a case of wide mouth pint sized canning jars and make it in bulk. All you do is freeze the whole mother-load and take one out the night before you want to enjoy it. You can even sip it straight from the jar! Oh and you can buy these reusable white plastic lids so that you're not having to deal with the metal parts. Super genius - yes, thank you again, madre.

You'll need: 16oz spinach (sam's has a big thing of it), 2 pineapples diced, 6 bananas, 12 clementines, and a almost a 1/2 bag of flaxseeds.


Tanji said...

Yummy! Can't wait to try it! You might need to make your morning smoothie a double once sweet little Gage starts crawling. Just sayin'. :)

alisa said...

Uhm....yummo! I have been making smoothies every am while prego! I am going to try this tomorrow! And I say...keep the blog YOU! We love ya!

The Ince's said...

I am in love with this drink, Missy! I tried it yesterday (w/o pineapple and spinach... no pineapple on hand and used a different leafy green). Didn't taste so good (I think my banana was too ripe as well). Anyway, tried it today with all the ingredients and it was FABULOUS!

Thank you for posting yummy food on here that are healthy and gorgeous looking!

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